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Insurance | Changes to the universal policy investment options

May 7, 2021

On July 16, the International Stocks (iA) investment account will be closed.

This is one of the investment options available in our Genesis universal life product, as well as many legacy products*.


Next Steps

Within the next few days, letters will be sent to affected clients and their advisors to inform them of the change.

In the absence of instructions from advisors or clients, funds will be transferred to the default replacement account below effective July 16, 2021.

Please note that the International Stocks (iA) account will be removed from the EVO illustration tool in mid-June.


These changes are being made in order to adequately meet investors’ needs.

Please contact your sales teams if you have any questions.



*Legacy products include APEX, Comptaflex, Exceptional Life, Meridia, Topaz and UNIFLEX.






Topic : Insurance

Written by iA