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MediGuide | Two opinions are better than one!

May 24, 2022

When talking about critical illness insurance with your clients, make it a reflex to tell them about MediGuide, our medical second opinion service.


Have the MediGuide reflex!

Whatever critical illness policy they purchase and whatever illness they may have, whether covered by the insurance or not, clients can benefit from this support service completely free of charge. The process is simple and the result quite reassuring.



A telling example

Here’s an example of one of our clients who used MediGuide’s services.

Male, age 52, prostate cancer

His doctor had assessed the risk as “intermediate favourable” and gave him the choice to have surgery or not.

The client turned to MediGuide and after review of his medical file including his latest MRI, the risk was revised to “intermediate unfavourable.”

Based on his young age and the characteristics of his cancer, MediGuide recommended prostatectomy (surgery). Our client was very grateful for the report, stating that it gave him the confidence needed to go ahead with the surgery as a treatment plan.


Main advantages of MediGuide

  • Reassures your clients
  • Confirms or disputes the diagnosis and treatment plan
  • Helps with decision making
  • Rapid service – provides report within 7 days


Business Tracker
To help you build this reflex, we’ve made a change to your Business Tracker notification in the Advisor Centre. From now on, as soon as a claim is filed for one of your clients, you will see the following:

undefined-May-18-2022-03-52-40-65-PMAction required

  1. Encourage the claimant to use MediGuide’s medical second opinion service (1-877-260-7746).


MediGuide tools available to you


Always make MediGuide part of your sales pitch!

Available with Transition (product or rider) on EVO and CancerGuard on Assure&go.



Topic : Insurance - Living Benefits

Written by iA