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Did you know...

May 10, 2021


Did you know that 64% of Canadians do not believe they can pay for expenses that would not be covered by the health care system in the event of critical illness?

No one is safe from health problems and the impact on personal finances may be difficult to support, both for the person affected and those around them. Yet, most Canadians don’t have insurance to help them face this type of situation.


In addition to a loss of income, several additional costs can arise during a serious illness: medications not covered by a public health insurance plan, rehabilitation, home adaptation, babysitting, home care, etc. These additional expenses are significant and it is important to educate your clients about this. For example, the Public Health Agency of Canada estimates that cancer will have a financial impact of $25,000 to $30,000. The numbers speak for themselves, use them!


Start the discussion with your client

As the insurer that protects the largest number of people in terms of living benefits, we offer a wide, complete and affordable range of products, designed to be adapted to your clients’ needs. In the event of critical illness, they can count on tax-free financial assistance to help them maintain their financial health, but also to pay the inherent costs of their health.


Check out the following links to highlight the need for critical illness insurance:

Source : SOM 

Topic : Insurance - Living Benefits

Written by iA

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