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Did you know...

April 25, 2022

Did you know that we offer two versions of our participating life insurance product in order to provide you with an adequate solution for your clients based on their financial objectives?


iA PAR Estate

Specially designed to maximize your clients’ long-term estate, this version optimizes the growth of the surrender value and the long-term life insurance benefit.

This is a good solution for your clients who want to:

  • limit the tax impact at death,
  • maximize the net value of their estate to provide a source of liquidity in the long term,
  • or provide a solid financial foundation for children.


iA PAR Wealth

This version offers significant long-term growth but promotes access to high surrender values within the first few years.

This solution may be interesting for your clients who want to:

  • earn a quick return on investment,
  • access a source of short-term funding,
  • or strengthen a corporation’s balance sheet.


To learn more about the differences of each version, refer to the reference document iA PAR: The right version for the right client. You can also refer to the case studies of Jacob and Lian, two wealthy professionals for whom a different version of our product better meet their needs.


If you have any questions about the two versions of iA PAR, feel free to contact your regional sales director.


Topic : Insurance

Written by iA

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