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Did you know...

September 8, 2021


Did you know that in Canada, there are now more millennials than baby boomers?

It’s true. Nearly 10 million Canadians were born between 1981 and 1996, and this client segment requires a special approach. Contrary to popular belief, millennials pay attention to their expenses and search online often to understand how to benefit from their purchases.

A new tailored brochure!

Discover this new insurance brochure for millennials (F13-1149A), which clearly explains why it’s never too early to get insurance coverage. It presents sales approaches and arguments adapted to their reality. Go on, protect their way of life.


Reach out to them online

iA Financial Group offers you a wide range of digital tools to help you reach out to this hyper-connected client segment:

  • Advice Zone | Articles to generate interest and keep them informed
  • Transition Index | Five questions to help them determine their critical illness insurance needs
  • iA Financial Compass | Seven questions to help them determine their insurance and savings needs based on their situation

And don’t forget the Web Showcase, which includes ready-made posts for you to share to increase your presence with millennials in just a few clicks…take advantage of them today!

Happy prospecting!


Written by iA

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