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Did you know...

February 21, 2022


Did you know that you have access to a complete and easy-to-use tool to assess your clients’ needs in terms of disability?

Our new Disability insurance – Complementary income replacement needs analysis tool was recently enhanced. It gives you access to everything you need to provide the best possible service to your clients when suggesting the coverages available with Superior Program or Acci-Jet Program.


Why use this tool

The disability needs analysis has several special features. By using this tool, you will be able to address each one while benefiting from the following advantages:

  • It helps you initiate the discussion about disability insurance when meeting with a client for the first time
  • It helps you assess workers’, self-employed workers’ and entrepreneurs’ needs
  • It helps you enter the client’s information directly in the required fields and does the calculations for you NEW  

The tool may also facilitate the process with Assure&go when the time comes to finalize the sale!

Available now in the Document Centre, under the number F13-1140A (formerly MD-DNAE).


Topic : Insurance - Living Benefits

Written by iA

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