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February 20, 2023

Performing ESG funds.

Did you know that, although the year is still young, our ESG funds are currently performing as well or even better than many diversified or equity funds?


With equal performance, why not leave your environmental and social footprint!

So, when choosing between funds that perform similarly, don't you think that your client might want to invest according to their values, aiming to make a difference in our lives, society and environment, without having to compromise on returns? Just ask!



The new ESG funds launched last October, choices to keep in your radar?


As a reminder, here is an overview of our new ESG funds:

  • Sustainable Balanced Portfolio (iAIM): an all-in-one balanced solution that provides access to a selection of sustainable strategies (green bonds, climate risk, carbon reduction, etc.), and brings together the expertise of the best firms in the industry in this field.
    Net return year to date (Feb. 20, 2023) – Classic Series 75/75: 3.50%

  • Fidelity Climate Leadership – Balanced™: a combination of equities and fixed income securities from issuers around the world, designed to reduce risk and capitalize on the opportunities created by the global decarbonization trend.
    Net return year to date (Feb. 20, 2023) – Classic Series 75/75: 6.37%

  • Canadian Sustainable Equity (iAIM): a unique and exclusive approach from iA Investment Management that targets Canadian leaders who apply best practices in sustainable investing, combined with thematic ESG solutions.
    Net return year to date (Feb. 20, 2023) – Classic Series 75/75: 5.22%

  • Climate Strategy (Wellington): offered as a premiere in Canada by iA Financial Group, focuses on five main themes: low-carbon electricity, energy efficiency, water and resource management, climate-resilient infrastructure and low-emission transportation.
    Net return year to date (Feb. 20, 2023) – Classic Series 75/75: 6.62%

To find out the performance of all of iA’s segregated funds, see the Fund performance and overview page. To learn more about the new ESG funds, see the iA CONNECTED article of October 24, 2022 in which you will find the toolbox.

Because your clients want to hear about sustainable funds and investing according to their values is important to them, be proactive and open the discussion at your next meeting! A great way to make a difference in 2023!


Statistics to support your ESG argument

77% of investors believe that companies with good ESG practices represent better long-term investments1.

According to a recent study2, 99% of millennials and 79% of the general population say they are somewhat or very interested in sustainable investing! Explore this potential among your clients and work with them to explore how one of our seven ESG funds, including our four new funds, could complement their existing savings portfolio.

1 Responsible Investment Association, June 30, 2020.

2 Morgan Stanley Institute for Sustainable Investing, 2021


Topics : Savings, Investments

Written by iA

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