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Did you know...

November 28, 2022

Over 50% of Canadians said cost of living struggles is the most important financial issue for them.

Inflation, market volatility and rising interest rates have made many realize how important good financial management is. The holiday season is a great time to encourage your clients to evaluate their priorities.

Here are some gift ideas that will help them put their money to good use.


For their loved ones:

  • Open an RESP to allow a child to access higher education and benefit from government grants.
  • Take out life or critical illness insurance for a child to protect those they care about. Plus, a child’s insurability is guaranteed, and premiums are low!


For themselves:

  • Save to build an emergency fund and/or contribute for a project.
  • Prepare for retirement so they can live it to its fullest.
  • Invest in the fund of their choice and make their money grow in line with their values. Moreover, we have four new socially responsible investment funds available.
  • Take out life insurance to protect their family.
  • Take out critical illness or disability insurance to protect their lifestyle in the event of a loss of income.

By doing so, they will help protect their financial health while showing kindness to their loved ones.

To help you support your clients in the current context of market instability, the Advice Zone and our Podcasts are full of relevant content to share with them. Take advantage of it!


Topics : Insurance, Savings

Written by iA

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