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Did you know...

July 21, 2021


Do you know that since 2020, 92% of the Canadian population uses the internet daily?

Therefore, iA Financial Group provides a range of easy-to-use electronic tools to support you in the development of your business. They can help you easily communicate with your clients and better meet their needs. Here’s a brief reminder of the tools available:  


Web Showcase:   The web showcase is designed especially for you to provide tools and support for using the internet and social media. The objective is to help you develop and maintain a special relationship with your clients from a distance, thanks to the Web. 

There you’ll find examples of posts for your professional Facebook and LinkedIn pages, documentation to help you create your professional pages, as well as comprehensive guides on several other social media features. 


Advice Zone: The Advice Zone, right on ia.ca, includes articles, tips and videos on various topics to guide your clients through every stage of their lives. Make sure to take a look and share the articles on your social media!  


My-retirement.ia.ca: This webpage was created specifically to provide information about retirement. There, you’ll find a wealth of tips and information about retirement to pass on to your clients. Your clients can also complete our questionnaire to check how prepared they are for retirement, and you can use this information to start the retirement conversation with them. 


Business Tracker: An indispensable tool for closely monitoring sales opportunities for your contracts. It supports the development of your business, as well as your customer service. It can help you support your clients with notifications when intervention is required, and flag opportunities based on events in your in-force contracts. Go to your Advisor Centre and click on the Business Tracker tab. 


Check out these tools, and make them your own! If you have any questions, please contact the Marketing, Communications and Implementation team at mrk-promo@ia.ca   


Source: Statistics Canada

Topics : Digital tools, Web and Social Media

Written by iA

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