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October 3, 2022

Did you know that insured retirement strategy is a source of liquidity and supplemental income!

The insured retirement strategy with permanent life insurance allows your clients to diversify their non-registered assets in a tax-efficient manner while benefitting from the necessary liquidity to generate a flexible retirement income. This strategy can be very interesting for your clients with a 10- to 15-year horizon before retirement to protect themselves against market volatility.


Participating life insurance (iA PAR): The product of choice for the insured retirement strategy

With its cash surrender value and death benefit growth, iA PAR is the ideal solution for clients who want to grow their wealth and benefit from stable, predictable supplemental retirement income. iA PAR is available in two versions: the Estate version, which maximizes the growth of the face amount, and iA PAR Wealth, which offers the best short-term cash surrender values. See this brochure to help you propose the right version to the right client.


Benefits of the strategy for your client

  • Chooses the amount of loans based on retirement income needs and when the loans are paid to them to ensure the optimization of withdrawals from income sources
  • Reduction in income taxes to pay, since the revenues generated in a life insurance policy and the growth of the surrender value are not taxable
  • Increase in the estate value, since the death benefit is paid tax-free to the estate


To learn more about the benefits of the insured retirement strategy, see the attached brochure and contact your regional sales manager.

Topic : Insurance

Written by iA

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