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Did you know...

September 20, 2021

Did you know that our SRI Balanced (Inhance) Fund is ranked among the top 5 best-selling segregated funds in Canada in the balanced category?1

Did you also know that RESPs are a great combination with socially responsible investing (SRI)?

By selecting this type of investment as part of their savings strategy, including their RESPs, investors can match their financial interests with their personal sustainability values. This is a great way to help build a better future and do something good for kids!

If you haven’t done so yet, back-to-school is a great time to demonstrate the importance of contributing to an RESP! Your clients’ children or grandchildren will be the big winners of this strategy!

Visit the RESP portal in the Advisor Centre to better equip yourself, and see our new SRI webpage at ia.ca/responsible-investing.

1 Source: Investor Economics, Best-selling Segregated Funds: Major Asset Classes, ranked by July 2021 net flows in millions of dollars.


Topic : Savings

Written by iA

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