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Did you know...

May 9, 2022

Did you know... a lot of people don’t realize the difference between mortgage life insurance and mortgage insurance offered by lending institutions?

However, due to its flexibility and affordability, Pick-A-Term mortgage life insurance can be particularly beneficial for homeowners. This is even more true when thinking about the rise in prices in today’s economic environment.

Your clients also have a lot to gain from owning their insurance policy in the context of rising interest rates. This allows them to negotiate the terms of their mortgage without affecting their insurance in the future. In addition, having a single policy for all their loans will help them save money, which definitely resonates right now.

Take advantage of the spring real estate rush to showcase your expertise and grow your mortgage clientele.


A picture is worth a thousand words to help your clients compare the two types of products:


f13-844a (2)


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Stay tuned! Our mortgage insurance campaign for clients starts tomorrow!


Topic : Insurance

Written by iA

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