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Did you know...

January 16, 2023

Did you know that memory is a faculty that forgets? Do you know the new rates for 2023? We announced them last December for the iA PAR, Genesis (SDRA) and EquiBuild products.

Here’s a recap of these changes to start the year off on the right foot!

  2022 2023
iA PAR 5.75% 6%
EquiBuild 4.75% 5.1%
Genesis (SRDA) 4.5% 4.4%


EVOlution of the rates

Go to EVO (iA PAR and Genesis) and the Interface Suite (EquiBuild) to make your illustrations and sales with the new rates.


Want to learn more?

See the respective announcements for each rate:


Topic : Insurance

Written by iA

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