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Did you know...

January 9, 2023

Did you know that you can help your clients achieve their New Year's resolutions? Here are the top 4 of the most popular resolutions:

  1. Lose weight

Financial weight is a source of stress and can be heavy to carry, especially in the current economic climate. With rising interest rates and cost of living, it's even more important for your clients to have the right coverage.

  • Term life insurance

Whatever the nature of your clients' needs, term life insurance can meet their changing needs with coverage term options ranging from 10 years to 40 years.

👉 Discover all the documents in your Advisor Centre.

  • Income and disability insurance

In the event of an accident or illness, disability insurance provides your clients with financial assistance that they can use to meet their financial commitments and maintain their lifestyle.

  1. Quit smoking cigarettes
In addition to the health benefits, your clients may save on their insurance premiums. Smokers' premiums are generally much higher (40% to 100%) than non-smokers' premiums because of the risk they present1.

👉 See for yourself with the Premium calculator!

Savings from no longer buying cigarettes and insurance premiums could be invested in an RRSP or TFSA and in turn generate tax savings and returns.

  1. Learn something new
img-podcast Why not suggest that your clients subscribe to the “In your interest!” podcast? In under 10 minutes, they'll be able to access need-to-know economic news and learn its impact on their finances.

  1. Saving or getting out of debt

It's no longer a secret: The cost of living has been rising steadily for several years. This makes it all the more important to remind your clients of the importance of systematic savings. It’s the best approach to saving and often the most rewarding in the long run. The best of both worlds!

👉 Inform your clients about the benefits of systematic savings.

F13-972A | Systematic savings offers nothing but advantages


Happy New Year!


1 Co-operators. How does smoking affect my life insurance?


Topics : Insurance, Savings

Written by iA

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