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Did you know...🎁

December 13, 2021

Did you know that 45% of Canadians say they’re likely to choose socially and environmentally responsible retailers when Holiday shopping1?

Why not suggest original gift ideas that provide a return on investment and peace of mind?

Here are 4 good reasons to encourage your clients to give the gift of insurance and savings:

  1. Protect their loved ones: taking out life insurance or critical illness insurance for a child is a gift that lasts a lifetime. In addition, a child’s insurability is guaranteed and premiums are low!


    πŸ’‘ Consider Transition, Child Life & Health Duo or iA PAR.


  2. Start them off on the right foot: opening a bank account or offering a savings product will help children develop good savings habits and better take on responsibility when they’re adults.


    πŸ’‘ Consider the High Interest Savings Account.


  3. Invest based on their values: buying shares in an ESG fund promotes the growth of socially responsible businesses, a good way to grow their savings while respecting the environment! 


    πŸ’‘ Consider an RRSP or a TFSA.


  4. Offer access to higher education: offering an RESP to children or grandchildren will motivate them to pursue post-secondary education with less of a financial burden.


    πŸ’‘ Consider an RESP and advantageous government grants.


Canadians anticipate spending 29% more this Holiday season than they did last year2. During this period, when families get together to celebrate, suggest these gift ideas to your clients and help them create traditions that respect the environment.

1 2 Canadian holiday outlook | PwC Canada


Topics : Insurance, Savings

Written by iA

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