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Can your clients rely on government programs in case of a disability?

June 11, 2021

Government programs, such as the Workers’ Compensation Board, provide for potential assistance in case of a disability; however, it is important to understand the limits, as they can be easily reached.

See our new Integration of Benefits in Individual Disability Insurance document.

It provides relevant information about your work environment, such as:

  • An overview of each available government program
  • How the concept of integration of disability products works when the client also has group insurance or is eligible for one of the various government programs
  • Three concrete cases that will help you understand how settlement amounts are calculated

Why is individual disability insurance important?

Because it provides flexible, comprehensive income protection. Even if your clients may be eligible for some government programs or group insurance through their employer, we invite you to encourage them to protect their income even more with individual disability insurance.

For example, if your clients say:

  • I don’t need it, I have group insurance through work.
  • I contribute to EI, so I’ll be covered if something happens
  • My neighbour had a stroke and has long-term benefits through the Canada Pension Plan

you can show them the value of our living benefits products. And, thanks to you, they can maintain their lifestyle!

The document is also available in the Document Centre (F13-1147A). We hope this tool will help you with your sales. Good luck!

Topic : Insurance - Living Benefits

Written by iA

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