An optimized underwriting experience for our advisors and clients!
Already a leader in instant acceptance at the point of sale via EVO, iA Financial Group continues to innovate by simplifying insurance underwriting for clients aged 50 or younger. With the easing of medical requirements and the use of predictive analytics, nearly half of these clients may benefit from instant acceptance when buying up to two million dollars in life insurance.
To benefit from this instant acceptance client experience, all it takes is to complete the personalized and simplified declaration of insurability on EVO. Telephone interviews are still required for clients who buy more than two million dollars in life insurance.
Click here to see the medical requirement chart, which includes the most recent updates, including the temporary easing standards applied because of COVID-19!
Retention of preferential status
Consequently, clients who buy over two million dollars in life insurance can continue to enjoy the competitive premium rates in our preferential classes.
Temporary rules regarding the easing of medical requirements for amounts up to $2M
For applications already in underwriting, we will be proactive and communicate to concerned advisors all the steps to take via the Advisor Centre.
Important dates
September 25: EVO version 2.4 available or download. An Optional, but recommended update, to enjoy the new features, including the new requirement chart
September 30: Mandatory update of EVO
October 18 11:59 pm (ET): Deadline for submitting applications processed using a previous version of EVO so they can be processed using the old requirement chart
October 19: Deadline for receipt of paper applications signed prior to September 25 at service centres (or by email) so they can be processed using the old requirement chart.
Want to learn more? Feel free to contact your associated sales director!