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Insurance | Improvements – Claim forms: Critical illness and disability

March 18, 2025

We have made improvements to the online claim form for critical illness and added an introduction page to the disability claim form, with the aim of optimizing the quality of the data collected and shortening service times.

Last November, we made improvements to the life insurance claim form. Since then, despite the impact of the Canada Post strike on our activities, we’ve seen promising results for express claims that require no documentation from the claimant. The forms are now better filled out and more complete, enabling us to process claims more efficiently and pay claimants faster.


Critical illness – Improvements to the online form

Last November, we added an introduction page with an FAQ, which has proven very useful. This time, we have made the following priority improvements:

  • Addition of a question to confirm a definitive diagnosis (otherwise, the client is asked to postpone their request).
  • Addition of a diagnosis date.
  • Addition of drop-down lists to identify the diagnosed critical illness:
    • We first present the 9 most common illnesses, followed by a second list of 23 potentially covered illnesses.
    • If the client doesn’t find their illness, they have the option of entering its name themselves.
    • When applicable, we ask for details (e.g.: type of cancer or date of surgery).
  • It is no longer possible to attach documents to the claim.


Disability – A brand new web page!

Now the disability claim form will have its own introduction page to be displayed before the form. It provides information on the claims process and helps clients determine whether their medical condition is eligible for a claim. There’s also an FAQ with answers to the most common questions asked by claimants.

We will be keeping a close eye on the results of all these changes and will remain in agile mode. In addition, we’re preparing another guide for you to support your clients in initiating their disability claims.


Stay tuned!


Topic : Insurance

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