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Insurance | New telephone interview booking tool

October 19, 2023

Did you know that you can save two days by using the self-service telephone interview booking portal from our supplier Dynacare?

This online appointment scheduling service—via the iCARE website—has been available since September 14, 2023, for insurance product applications hosted on our EVO platform.1

How does it work?

  1. iA Financial Group sends the client’s mobile phone number and email address to Dynacare.
  2. Dynacare contacts the client by email or text message and provides access to the self-service portal.
  3. The client books an appointment for the telephone interview online (can be modified if necessary).
  4. Dynacare tells the client how to prepare for the interview.
  5. The client receives reminders by email or text message 24 hours before the appointment.

Does your client not have a mobile phone or email address? You can use the portal for them and enter their home phone number.


  • Faster service: Booking the telephone interview online cuts the average time to complete the entire process through contract delivery by two days.
  • More efficient service: You no longer have to “manage” your client’s availability, intervene if they miss an appointment or answer their questions.
  • More modern service: Your client no longer has to wait for a call, they’re in control of their own schedule.

Tip: Letting iA handle the requirement orders for your files will ease your administrative burden.


1 Note that this tool is not yet available for Assure&go products.



Topic : Insurance

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