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August 1, 2022

Did you know that 50% of couples in Canada have children[1] and that 16% of them have at least one child between 0 and 5 years of age[2]?

On the arrival of a new child in the family, their future parents buy furniture, prepare the room, but what about the family’s financial protection?

Client portrait: young families

iA Financial Group offers different products to protect the lifestyle of small children.

  • Peek-a-Boo Plan: A great opportunity to talk to your clients and prospects about this free accident insurance for babies between 15 days and 12 months of age.
  • Child Life & Health Duo: The best of two worlds, this insurance provides both whole life insurance coverage and critical illness coverage.
  • Access Life: For young people who have a health condition. This simplified issue life insurance does not require a medical exam.
  • Transition: This critical illness insurance allows the parents to benefit from financial assistance if something happens to their child. The protection covers 4 or 25 illnesses according to the client’s choice, in addition to 5 juvenile illnesses.

Encourage your clients to start saving in an RESP as soon as possible. The earlier they start, the faster they will benefit from returns and accumulate more for their children’s future. Your clients could benefit from government grants of 20% and more depending on the province! To learn more about the frequently asked questions on RESPs and their answers, click here.

Check with your clients if their life insurance is adequate and invite them to draft or update a will.


[1] Source: Statistics Canada, The Daily, July 2022

[2] Source: Statistics Canada, Census of Population, 2021

Topics : Insurance, Savings, Economic news

Written by iA

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