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Did you know...

November 3, 2021


Did you know that resetting the guarantee at death provides you with the perfect opportunity to contact your clients to review their needs for 2022?

We’re seeing a lot of market volatility lately and many of your clients may have questions regarding their investments.

If you’ve not already done so, feel free to reset the guarantee at death for your clients’ contracts that include it. This will secure their gains before the end of the year! You will also have the opportunity to answer your clients’ questions if needed. 😊


Thirty seconds is all it takes!

The Series 75/100 reset tool allows you to set the reset date in advance. Remember, it’s possible to change the reset date before the reset occurs.

To learn more, refer to the document titled Growth and Estate Protection Combined (F13-1010A), our Frequently asked Questions, and the dedicated page in the Advisor Centre.


Topics : Savings, Digital tools

Written by iA

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