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Savings | New sales documents available now

May 27, 2022

The new 2022 Information Folders and Fund Facts documents can now be downloaded from the Document Centre or ordered from your fulfilment centre.


IAG Savings and Retirement Plan

My Education+ Diploma


Say goodbye to paper with !

If you are in the majority of advisors who use EVO Savings or the RESP New Issue Tool to complete your Savings applications in as little as nine minutes, well done! You have made the switch to an industry-leading sales tool, and as you have noticed, it is just so much simpler!

One major benefit is that you don’t have to order paper copies of the Information Folder and Fund Facts documents any more – EVO sends up-to-date electronic copies to clients automatically.


Need paper copies?

If you order paper copies of these documents, remember to destroy any remaining old versions and ensure that you are providing only the new 2022 versions to your clients following a new issue.

Better yet, try out our digital sales tools. A simple and efficient (and most importantly, paperless) sales experience awaits you.

Talk to your sales teams today!




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