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Staying active online over the holidays🎄

December 10, 2020

The holidays are full of traditions, and here’s one more to add to your list: Boosting your social media presence!

The statistics show that December is the month that people are most active on social media, with engagement 32% higher than the annual average. They’re usually on social media in the evenings and on weekends.

Have you been posting regularly on social media all year long, except during the holidays? If your clients are always online, they expect you to be too. Make sure you’re at the top of your clients’ minds, even over the holidays.


Have fun with it

Just like for the perfect New Year’s Eve, if you want to make a good impression, you have to have a plan. What topics are likely to attract attention online during this festive time? For many people, the winter break is a good time to reflect on their financial future or dream about plans for their life.

Our advice: Go for a holiday-appropriate tone and images and Save time by programming your posts ahead of time!

During the holiday break, don’t focus on promoting one product in particular. Think about thanking people for following you and looking forward to 2021, which will hopefully be more positive for everyone!


Need some inspiration? Check out our holiday guide


đź’ˇ New in the Web Showcase

A comprehensive ad guide was added to the Web Showcase…Go take a look!

New posts of the week :

article december 9-1



👉Post them on your social media, it’s what they were created for!




đź’ˇ Stay tuned!

Each week, you will find a new article about the Web and social media in iA CONNECTED.

Have you read our most recent article in which we suggest you some gift ideas for the holidays?


Check it out!

Topic : Web and Social Media

Written by iA

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