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The winning strategy for 2023!

January 9, 2023

Did you know that a large proportion of total savings contract withdrawals are made by clients aged between 50 and 70? This segment of your clientele is highly solicited by the competition because of their high level of assets. What can you do about it?

We can't stress enough the importance of staying in touch with your clients on a regular basis. This is especially true for your clients in this age group.

In the coming weeks, we will be proposing new strategies and tools to help you accompany your clients.  


The cost of inaction

The value of losing a client goes beyond the lost trailing commission. The cost of inaction translates to the loss of: 

  • Subsequent deposits
  • Referral opportunities
  • Intergenerational transfers
  • Opportunities to consolidate the client’s other investments  
  • A high-value retirement savings portfolio

Future earning opportunities abound. The good news is that it’s all in your hands. Being present pays off!


For your support

Among the many initiatives to support you in this process, an email and a paper insert will be sent to clients in the next few days, prior to the semi-annual statements, to allay emotions and reactions related to the market downturn.


To address questions and concerns related to retirement planning and to improve client support, we will also provide you with a series of tools and initiatives that will facilitate your approach and give you additional contact opportunities.  


Stay tuned!

The various tools will be available in the coming days. Keep an eye on iA CONNECTED for details.


Topic : Savings

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