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August 28, 2024

The repercussions of inflation are long-lasting and have left impacts that will not easily disappear. It is therefore crucial to reassess your clients’ financial goals with them. Whether they have a retirement plan or not, there are some key questions to address or revisit.

  • Do they have a personalized retirement plan?
  • Have they reviewed their retirement plan in light of the current economy?
  • Does their decumulation strategy still suit their financial and personal situation?

To make your job easier, we’ve put together a retirement journey support guide. In addition to providing step-by-step guidance, it offers concrete tips to enhance your advisory role.


The 3 main segments of retirement planning

3 segments retirement planning - image 3


1. Planning

To simplify the crucial step of collecting your clients’ information, we have compiled a summary of information to gather for a retirement plan.


2. Revising the plan and confirming retirement goals

See our Checklist for suggestions on topics to cover with your clients.

  • Preparing for a death, disability or critical illness
  • Physical and mental health
  • Investor profile and retirement expenses


3. Starting the retirement plan

Take time to review proposed decumulation strategies and scenarios in light of the current market and your clients’ situation.


Keep in mind that your clients aged 50-70 are highly coveted by the competition, as they have the most assets. Providing personalized advice and spending time with these clients will help you build trust and stand out as an advisor of choice.


Topic : Savings

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