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Portfolio manager changes for two segregated funds

September 5, 2024

Effective September 4, 2024, and in line with our strategic focus of offering investors deep expertise and broad global opportunities across all our fixed-income solutions, we are pleased to announce that two segregated funds currently managed by Wellington Square are being taken over by new portfolio managers

  • Core Plus Bond is now managed by Agile Investment Management. Dan Janis is lead portfolio manager. 
  • Floating Rate Income is now managed by Loomis Sayles. Michael Klawitter and Heather Young are co-lead portfolio managers.

What does this mean for clients?

There is no change to the investment objectives of either fund, the fund code will remain the same, and no action is required by you or your clients.  

Clients invested in either fund will receive a notification of this change in their December semi-annual statements. Between now and then, we invite you to inform them of this change. 

Please note that fund names will be updated to reflect these changes in EVO in late October. Changes to marketing and promotional material will be made in the coming weeks.


Core Plus Bond (Agile)

Agile Investment Management LLC, a new investment firm from renowned global fixed-income specialist Dan Janis, will now be managing this fund. 

The Core Plus Bond Fund will maintain its focus on income generation and capital preservation by investing primarily in short-duration investment grade corporate bonds, complemented with an allocation to securities offering enhanced yield potential, including a 25% max. to high yield. The differentiated approach employed by the Agile team broadens the opportunity set of the fund to include the full spectrum of global fixed-income opportunities.



Learn more about Agile Investment Management


Floating Rate Income (Loomis Sayles)

This fund will remain focused on generating attractive monthly income streams by investing primarily in floating rate loans, and will now benefit from Loomis Sayles’ pioneering expertise in this space and the firm’s deep credit research capabilities. Michael Klawitter and Heather Young are co-lead portfolio managers on this fund.




Below you will find links to the full September 5th webcasts that introduce both portfolio managers, as well as summary documents:


Introducing Agile Investment Management 


Introducing the Loomis Sayles Floating Rate Income Team


If you have any questions, please reach out to your sales director.



Topic : Portfolio Managers

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