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Did you know...

November 22, 2021

Did you know that Prestige groupings are NOT automatically created with the assets of spouses or family members living at the same address but rather require your assistance?

That's why you have the Prestige grouping tool at your disposal. This intuitive online tool allows you to remotely create a family grouping in under three minutes!

How does it work?

Check out the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) or the Fund Codes and Management Expense Ratios (F13-1000A) to see the reduced MER per fund.


With the RRSP and TFSA campaign just around the corner, it's a good time to talk to your clients about Prestige preferential pricing!

Prestige preferential pricing recognizes the savings efforts of clients in reaching the required asset threshold of $300,000 by granting them a substantial reduction in management fees based on the selected fund.

With your assistance, your clients can create a family grouping whereby they combine their assets with those of their family members who live with them to reach the required threshold more easily.

This advantage can also be shared with other members of their extended family, irrespective of their levels of assets and place of residence.

Making a difference for your clients has never been easier!


Sales tips

  • Filter your client list by address and target eligible clients with an asset value of $300,000 or more.
  • Contact your clients with an asset value of $200,000 or more and offer them either the Prestige bundle, which allows you to combine the assets of members of the same family, or the possibility of making up the difference through a fund transfer, thus allowing them to access Prestige preferential pricing.
  • Take the opportunity to ask for referrals and extend Prestige benefits to the extended family.
  • Accelerate processing with the online grouping tool.

Prestige preferential pricing can also:

  • Build customer loyalty
  • Show the value of your advice
  • Develop your relationships with referrals or the next generation


See all the details here and bring your clients up to a new level of prestige!

Topics : Savings, Digital tools

Written by iA

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