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Did you know...

November 29, 2021

Did you know that 2 in 5 Canadians will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lives and 1 in 4 Canadians affected will die of the disease?

Health problems can happen to anyone and the impact on personal finances can be very difficult to cope with, both for the person affected and for their family. However, 92% of Canadians don’t have critical illness insurance!


This is a significant client pool – talk to them about Transition!

Transition – 25 illnesses: comprehensive coverage for people who want to protect their savings, because several illnesses are linked to ageing (loss of independence, Alzheimer’s, etc.)

Transition – 4 illnesses: for people who want a simple, affordable solution Note that it is easier to broach the subject with the 4-illnesses product, then suggest the 25-illnesses product and list the advantages.

As you know, extra expenses resulting from a critical illness paired with a temporary loss of income can result in a significant lack of liquidity, which may have repercussions on your clients’ savings. The Public Health Agency of Canada estimates that a cancer diagnosis can result in financial consequences of $25,000 to $30,000. Let the numbers speak for themselves!


Get the conversation started with your client

You can use the following links to show your clients the importance of critical illness insurance:


Topic : Insurance - Living Benefits

Written by iA

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