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Did you know...

April 18, 2022

Did you know…that iA Financial Group is the leader in term life insurance with the most policies sold in Canada?

iA Financial Group is setting the pace when it comes to term life insurance, with the most complete and flexible offer on the market. Here are a few of the many advantages that allow us to be a leader in the Canadian market:

  • Flexible duration of coverage: possibility of choosing any term between 10 and 40 years
  • Level face amount or decreasing to 50%
  • Right to convert to all our permanent insurance products, including iA PAR
  • Renewable at YRT premiums, without additional proof of insurability
  • Choice of 16 riders and additional benefits + Combined Protections discount!


Term life video

EVO, your partner for the sale of life insurance products

Thanks to EVO, you can receive a decision instantly for amounts up to $2M for your clients 50 and under, and the policy will be issued in less than 24 hours!


Personalized expertise

You can count on the personalized expertise and support of the iA Large Case Solutions program team for  your high-net-worth clients who require more complex financial strategies.


Learn more about our term products


Topics : Insurance, Digital tools

Written by iA

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