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Did you know...

March 7, 2022


Did you know that 76% of people surveyed* say that travel improves their mental and emotional health more than other types of rest and relaxation? 


After many months where travel was not recommended, this year seems to be the year we can get back to taking adventures! Based on a 2022 travel predictions survey, 72% of those surveyed will take advantage of opportunities to travel, as much as their budget will allow.*


However, who says travel also says budget and financial protection. This is where your role as an advisor comes into play! Help your clients plan their adventure and be adequately protected so that they can avoid unpleasant surprises with our travel insurance, in partnership with TuGo!  


Learn more about the advantages of having this coverage, including: 

  • Insurance coverage in case of a medical emergency, which can result in high costs
  • Coverage for a pre-existing condition, such as asthma
  • Trip cancellation and interruption coverage under a variety of pretexts
  • Coverage for your baggage in case of theft, damage or destruction
  • A variety of other advantages! 

Help your clients find savings solutions to pay for their projects, such as a trip! 

Planning a trip may be exciting, but it can also lead to feelings of guilt because of the cost and dampen travellers’ enthusiasm. However, you can remind them that they can plan their holiday without compromising their emergency fund or retirement savings. 


A TFSA is a good solution for your clients’ short-term projects, as withdrawals are not taxable. It is also possible to redeposit an amount equivalent to the amount withdrawn in the following year without compromising the contribution limit! 


💡Take advantage of tax season to suggest to your clients that they reinvest their tax refund in a TFSA in order to have more money for their next trip! 



*Source: Travel predictions 2022, Booking.com 


Topics : Insurance, Web and Social Media

Written by iA

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