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Did you know...

June 12, 2023

Web Showcase

Did you know that 52% of the population1 makes use of social media in relation to financial information?

This shows that it's now essential to have a presence on the Web. And what about you? Is using the Web to develop your business one of your goals for 2023?

If so, you'll find everything you need to increase your visibility and prospect online at Web Showcase.


Personalized links for prospecting

According to a LIMRA survey1, social media usage for prospecting clients more than tripled in a decade — from 13% in 2012 to 48% in 2022. Financial professionals who invested in

communication technology and specialized social media talent saw even more success in

client acquisition.

Good news! The Web Showcase offers you the possibility to create personalized links that allow you to generate leads quickly and for free!

With this feature, all sales and requests for information received via personalized links will be attributed to you automatically. Try it!


Other online prospecting tools

The Web Showcase also offers:

  • Over 300 ready-to-share posts available in 4 languages
  • Guides and cover photos grouped together in a Resource Centre, with a search tool and a filter to make it easier to find what you need


Will you seize the opportunity?

Financial professionals expect to acquire 20% of their clients from social media in the next three years, more than doubling the current rate of 8%1. What about you?

Access the Web Showcase


1 Source: LIMRA, 2023

Topic : Web and Social Media

Written by iA

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