As you know, clients with an RRSP, a locked-in RRSP or a LIRA contract must convert their contracts to a retirement income contract (RRIF or LIF) before the end of the year in which they turn 71.
October 6, 2022
Topics: Savings, Investments
It's time to register for this new edition which will be held under the theme “Shaping success”.
October 5, 2022
Topics: Savings, Investments, Economic news
Here you will find the most relevant publications to help your clients during the current period of market instability: articles, podcasts, informative charts, etc.
October 4, 2022
Topic: Savings
The High Interest Savings Account (HISA) rate has increased to 3.00% as of September 30, 2022, placing iA Financial Group ahead of banks and other insurance companies for this week.
September 21, 2022
Topic: Portfolio Managers
“We recently unwound our flattening bias because we think the Bank of Canada will slow the pace of its rate hikes after its September meeting, making the flattening positioning less compelling.” — Alexandre Morin
September 21, 2022
Topic: Portfolio Managers
“We continue to focus on names and themes that we feel will be resilient in the current environment.” — Donny Moss
September 21, 2022
Topic: Portfolio Managers
“We continue to take a positive long-term view on commodities, mainly base metals and energy. Even so, we tactically lowered our exposure to both during the summer.” — J-P Chevalier & Marc Gagnon
September 21, 2022
Topic: Portfolio Managers
“We continue to see a disconnect between mega caps and below $100 billion and small-mid cap innovators.” — Jean-Pierre Chevalier
September 20, 2022
Topics: Savings, Economic news
Inflation also strikes iA Financial Group's IN YOUR INTEREST! podcast: listenership and subscribers keep growing!
September 13, 2022
Topic: Economic news
iAIM is introducing the brand-new weekly review Keys to the market: A handy and concise content to help you navigate today’s complex markets and stay up to date on the leading economics news.