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RRSP-TFSA-FHSA contest | The first winners are…

January 22, 2025

It’s finally time to announce the first two winners of the RRSP-TFSA-FHSA contest! Congratulations to Ogho Koloko of Calgary, winner of the November draw, and to Patrick Babin of Saint-Constant, winner of the December draw. They have each won $1,000!

Their advisors have been informed and will have the pleasure of sharing the good news.


The contest continues: another 3 X $1,000 to be won!

  • One draw each in January and February among clients who have contributed to an RRSP, TFSA or FHSA
  • One draw in April among clients who have opened an RRSP, TFSA or FHSA between November 1, 2024 and March 3, 2025

💡Encourage your clients to contribute today


A simple share could win you $500

To take part in the exclusive contest for advisors, simply share this post on your social media between now and January 31, 2025.

Find out more!

Post FB 6 janv - EN_3


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Contest rules


Topic : Savings

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