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Global Fixed Income (PIMCO) | Resolution of the debt ceiling standoff in the U.S.

August 3, 2023

Topic: Portfolio Managers

"We continue to favor US duration as nominal rates remain higher relative to other developed nominal rates remain higher relative to other developed countries." — Alfred Murata, PIMCO

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Q2 2023 Quarterly reviews for many of your favorite Fidelity funds

August 1, 2023

Topic: Portfolio Managers

For each investment review, you will find an overview of the fund, the quarterly commentaries, the positioning and outlook as well as the investment process.

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Global Health Care (Renaissance) | Superior returns since the manager took over in 2022

July 27, 2023

Topic: Portfolio Managers

"Within the health care sector, we continue to remain defensive and cautiously optimistic. The portfolio has fairly balanced exposure across the three major health care sub-sectors in pharmaceuticals, medical technology, and health care services." — Michal Marzal, CIBC Asset Management Inc.

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North American Equity | The Fed is still hawkish

July 25, 2023

Topic: Portfolio Managers

"It is important to note that, despite being conservative regarding our cyclical exposure, we are working to find exposure to secular themes that will continue to perform well in a recession.” — Marc Gagnon & Maxime Houde, iAGAM

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Thematic Innovation | The U.S. economy remains strong, led by resilient consumer spending

July 25, 2023

Topic: Portfolio Managers

“The secular tailwinds, such as AI, automation and the energy transition, could mitigate the impact of an economic downtown for certain areas of the economy.” — Maxime Houde, iAGAM

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Bond | Bond yields rose during the period

July 24, 2023

Topic: Portfolio Managers

“We think bond yields are near the high end of their present range and therefore have maintained a duration that is longer than that of our benchmark.” — Alexandre Morin, iAGAM

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Dividend funds | The economy is still exceeding expectations

July 24, 2023

Topic: Portfolio Managers

“Even though we acknowledge the economy’s ongoing strength, we continue to tilt defensively, focusing on companies that should perform well in times of economic weakness.” — Donny Moss, iAGAM

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Market Index Heat Map | A positive first half overall

July 19, 2023

Topics: Economic news, Portfolio Managers

In both Canada and the United States, the consumer discretionary sector led the way, benefiting funds that were overweight in this sector. Most major fixed-income indices also managed to end the period in positive territory.

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Global Infrastructure (Dynamic) | Markets still hesitant to embrace capital intensive sectors

July 18, 2023

Topic: Portfolio Managers

"The markets continue to be hesitant to embrace capital intensive sectors given the rise in interest rates, especially those that require external financing to meet their growth potential." — Frank Latshaw

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Global Dividend (Dynamic) | Positioning according to opportunities

July 18, 2023

Topic: Portfolio Managers

“The areas where we think there's tremendous opportunity are primarily in the industries that are resilient, or that are below their long term trends.” — David Fingold

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