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10 tips to wrap up 2020 ! 😍

December 17, 2020

The COVID-19 pandemic imposed its will over the course of the last year, leading to many transformations. Nobody could have predicted that the good old handshake would become a rarity, even prohibited! 


This goes to show just how our points of reference were sabotaged in 2020, and how our habits have changed. Today, virtual meetings are the norm.  


💻Inform. Reassure. Help.

Trust has always been a defining element in our line of business, and even more these days, when the habits of the online community speak to a marked interest when it comes to money matters.


Information and communication are more valuable than ever and your role in this regard is fundamental. From a technological point of view, are you equipped for things to come? 


10 observations and tips to help you master everyday life!  

  1. With the mass use of social media, which help people stay in touch while in lockdown, people want to know what’s happening with the virus and other related topics, such as finances and the global economy
  1. According to Statistics Canada, 41% of Canadians have been spending more time on social media and using messaging services since the start of the pandemic.
    To learn more
  1. Be more human: throughout the crisis and even after, you will have to adapt your social media content.   Before you post, ask yourself: “Is this adapted to my clients’ reality?”  The idea is not to talk about COVID in your communications but to show that you understand what they’re going through. To learn more
  1. Think about others: interact on the pages of other companies. Share your peers’ and even your competitors’ successes! After all, we’re all in the same boat.  
  1. Help your clients: people are more concerned about their finances in 2020 than ever before. Why not use this as an opportunity to give them practical advice for managing their portfolio? After all, you’re the expert. Offer your services while being empathetic. 
  1. Communicate, reassure: far from being advertising, it’s an opportunity for reassuring communication in a time characterized by fear. In this context, human connection has never been more important, despite an increasing dependence on digital platforms.
    To learn more 
  1. Embrace the changing client experience: public health protocols are changing the client experience. For those who are used to visiting their clients in their home or at a restaurant, this is no longer possible. And let’s not even talk about meetings in the office. Receiving clients is much more sterile: masks, disinfectant, no more handshakes. The relationship with the client is no longer what it was. To learn more 
  1. Renew yourself: use the crisis to reflect on your methods, procedures and habits. Take a good look at what can be improved, specifically in terms of technology. 
  1. Be better organized in telework: telework has taught us that it’s vital to be ready for any situation and to make sure to be able to continue to do business remotely.  Before beginning a virtual meeting, make sure to centralize your client’s information and make sure you can access it remotely, if necessary. To learn more 
  1. Be ready for any situation: optimize your day-to-day activities today so you can be ready tomorrow. To learn more 



💡 New in the Web Showcase

A comprehensive ad guide was added to the Web Showcase…Go take a look!

New posts of the week :

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👉Post them on your social media, it’s what they were created for!




💡 Stay tuned!

Each week, you will find a new article about the Web and social media in iA CONNECTED.

Have you read our most recent article in which we explain the importance of being on the Web during the holidays?

Check it out!


Topic : Web and Social Media

Written by iA

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