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Term life insurance | Premium reductions for ALL terms

June 14, 2024

Starting today, offer your clients term life insurance with even more exceptional value for their money, thanks to our premium rate reductions.

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These reductions apply to all terms, from 10 to 40 years, for coverage of $250,000 or more, and affect most ages. All policies issued starting June 14 will benefit from the reduced premium rates.

Seize this unique opportunity to offer your clients even more competitive term life insurance solutions tailored to their needs.


Reduction details

Terms Average reduction Maximum reduction

T10 to T19
(under age 50)

12% 24%
T20 to T29 3.5% 7%
T30 to T40 5% 12%

  • Terms of 10 years benefit from a significant average reduction of 12% for clients under age 50. This is an excellent choice for your clients who need short-term protection for business needs, or for young adults looking for an affordable first insurance that’s renewable and convertible.

  • Terms of 20 and 25 years, and up to 30 years, benefit from reductions that further strengthen our position as a leader in mortgage insurance.

  • Terms of 30 to 40 years also benefit from lower premiums. They can be attractive to young professionals looking for an affordable long-term solution with options at maturity.


These more competitive premiums add to the range of benefits offered by our term life insurance solutions.

In addition, thanks to EVO, you benefit from instant decision up to $2M, and you can create an illustration and submit an application in as little as 10 minutes!

Learn more about what makes us a leader in term life insurance:


iA Term Life Insurance | The MOST value for your clients


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