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Did you know...

March 31, 2021

Did you know that over 80,000 customers have benefited from instant decision?

That's right, this is no April Fool's joke! Eighty thousand clients have benefited from instant decision since 2019 and 130,000 clients have not had to undergo basic medical requirements.

The underwriting experience for our advisors and clients is important to us, which is why iA is going to great lengths to optimize our underwriting processes.

  • 2019: iA breaks new ground by announcing the easing of medical requirements with instant adjudication up to $1M for clients between the ages of 18 and 50.
  • 2020: With the easing of our medical requirements and the use of predictive analytics, nearly half of these clients will be able to benefit from instant acceptance, for insurance amounts up to $2M!
  • 2021: Temporary measures for your clients between the ages of 51 and 60 are permanent! Learn more here!

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Topic : Insurance

Written by iA

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