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Did you know...

February 8, 2021

Did you know that the total value of assets under management in Canadian responsible investment funds jumped to $3.2 billion in 2019 (representing 62% of the industry), a 48% gain over two years?1 


The trend towards these funds is accelerating as this growth rate is higher than the 42% growth rate seen between 2015 and 2017.


Did you also know that our SRI Balanced (Inhance) Fund:

  • ended the year 2020 with an outstanding annual net return of 14.23% for the IAG SRP Classic 75/75 series?
  • won a FundGrade A+® Award in 2020 in the Segregated Funds category?
  • is a Morningstar 5-star fund?
  • is part of our new family of managed socially responsible investment solutions with the SRI Moderate (Inhance) and the SRI Growth (Inhance) funds, which invest in FundGrade A+® award-winning underlying funds?


The SRI (Inhance) family of funds focuses on companies with a record of sustainable practices, profitability and social responsibility. The Vancity Investment Management team, the portfolio manager, believes that investing in socially responsible firms reduces investment risk and adds value over the long term.

All in all, these solutions combine the best of both worlds for your client: a perfect balance between their values and their financial goals.


Take advantage of the new web page on ia.ca to introduce our SRI (Inhance) funds to your clients and learn more about socially responsible investing!


1. Source: 2020 Canadian Responsible Investing Report, Responsible Investment Association (RIA)

Topics : Investments, Portfolio Managers

Written by iA

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