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Social media : To use or to not use a scheduling tool?πŸ“…

February 12, 2021

To ensure that you post consistently on social media, it is practical to schedule your posts in advance. However, there is one question that needs to be answered: is it better to schedule posts oneself or use an automatic scheduling tool?

Here are a few advantages and disadvantages of each strategy to help you choose!

Scheduling using a tool

Mass scheduling tools, like Social Monials, can present certain benefits. They allow users to manage their posts on different social media platforms, like Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn, in one location.

They make it possible, for example, to post on all your pages at the same time, which saves you time.

However, this also has its disadvantages:

  • It’s not possible to personalize your posts on each platform This means that existing and potential clients may not want to follow all your pages.
  • Because they are more generic, unpersonal messages may be viewed as spam.

Manually scheduling

Conversely, scheduling your posts yourself requires a lot of time. However, this approach can be very effective considering no one knows your public better than you!

Its advantages include:schedule a post

  • You can connect better to, listen to and converse with your audience.
  • You can answer questions and show how you can be useful in a personalized manner.
  • You can adapt your tone and your discourse based on what platform you’re posting on. For example, on LinkedIn, the tone will be more professional whereas on Facebook, it’s more warm and personal.
  • A personalized approach in your interactions with your audience will help you increase your visibility.

At the end of the day, it’s up to each person to choose the method that works for them. In either case, it is important to be present on social media and be available to answer questions and comments in order to connect with you audience. However, manual scheduling can give you a leg up when it comes to customer service and your role as an advisor!


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πŸ‘‰Post it on your social media, it’s what it was created for!


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Topic : Web and Social Media

Written by iA

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