Your ongoing source of information.

Looking for prospects? Here are 8 ways to generate sales leads!

January 14, 2021

When it’s time to prospect for new clients, choosing a random telephone number has become more risky than promising. We must do otherwise.

In addition to the legal issues related to the National DNCL, wariness of this type of intrusion often causes professionals to explore new communication channels to expand their list of potential clients.

8 different options

  1. Facebook, with its 2.7 billion active users every month, is a goldmine of sales opportunities. Post regularly on your business page and think about including a call to action each time. Encourage current and prospective clients to seek your expert financial advice. To help you, share the posts we put on the iA Facebook page every Thursday and check the post bank in the Web Showcase.
  1. Again with Facebook, encourage your clients and prospects to solicit your financial expert advice with Facebook advertisements. Consult this Facebook lead generation form to learn how to seize sales opportunities.

  2. LinkedIn is the business networking platform:
    • Be active and post relevant content regularly ;
    • Accept invitations to connect ;
    • Use the search function to identify good contacts ;
    • Visit their LinkedIn page. This will help you stand out as users will be notified via the platform when someone visits their account.

  3. Articles in specialized magazines and journals. Why not? Are you an expert in a specific field and enjoy writing? Comment on a blog or take a change and write articles in a publication that is popular with your audience. However, this is a long-term initiative. You should expect to invest time and energy.

  4. Leads by email. Email is one of the most effective communication channels for generating leads. In fact, 42% of businesses agree that email is the most effective lead generators. A few points to watch:

    • Arrange for regular mailings; seasonal reminders, sharing promotions, etc.
    • The email subject should pique the recipient’s curiosity.
    • Messages should be personalized.
    • Perform tests to see what works the best.
    • Make sure to have consent before sending an email to a prospect.
    • Each email sent must include an unsubscribe link.

  5. Events that you attend or organize, in person or virtual, are good opportunities to speak to people and provide your contact information. If you are the event organizer, why not include an option for attendees to subscribe to your newsletter when registering?

  6. Referrals from current and past clients remain the best way to gain new clients. Don’t hesitate to ask your best clients to recommend your services – both to family and friends, and on social networks - or to write a review on your Facebook page.

  7. Buying lead list can be expensive but it’s worth it if you have properly defined your target client segment.

You are the expert, spread the word!

Whatever strategies you use, focus on your strengths.

Make sure your readers contact you for answers to their questions. The way is clear for new discoveries in terms of prospect hunting and referrals.


💡 Stay tuned!

Each week, you will find a new article about the Web and social media in iA CONNECTED.


Topic : Web and Social Media

Written by iA

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