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Did you know...

September 19, 2022

Topics: Savings, Investments

Did you know that the decision to remain invested with an institution or financial advisor tends to be highly correlated with the financial performance of the savings product held?

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Did you know...

September 12, 2022

Topics: Savings, Investments

On average, Canadian retirees aged 65 only received 58% of the maximum amount they could have been eligible for?

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Genesis | New SRDA features to face market volatility

August 24, 2022

Topics: Insurance, Savings, Investments

Find out how the Smoothed Return Diversified Account (SRDA) is a great option for clients with a long-term investment horizon, looking to avoid market volatility while maintaining great return potential.

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Did you know...

August 8, 2022

Topic: Savings

Did you know that on the same date just one year ago (August 8, 2021), the Guaranteed Interest Fund (GIF) rate for the 1-year term was 0.65% and is now 3.25%, and the High Interest Savings Account (HISA) rate was 0.40% and now stands at 2.35%?[1]

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Did you know...

August 1, 2022

Topics: Insurance, Savings, Economic news

Did you know that 50% of couples in Canada have children[1] and that 16% of them have at least one child between 0 and 5 years of age[2]?

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Did you know...

July 25, 2022

Topics: Insurance, Savings, Economic news

Did you know that approximately 568,000 properties are expected to be sold in Canada in 2022?

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Did you know...

July 18, 2022

Topic: Savings

Did you know that the challenges inherent to retirement income planning and asset drawdown will soon lead many households to consolidate their assets within one institution?

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Did you know...

July 11, 2022

Topic: Savings

Did you know that more than 1 in 5 (21.8%) of Canada’s working-age population is close to retirement, that is, aged 55 to 64[1]? Never before has this number been so high.

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Did you know...

July 6, 2022

Topics: Insurance, Savings

Did you know the advice that established couples had for newlyweds to help set up their new financial union for success was to avoid unmanageable debt and to start saving early for retirement?*

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Death benefit cheques | Simplified process in Savings

July 6, 2022

Topic: Savings

Good news! It is now possible to receive death benefit cheques at the agency.

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