April 27, 2023
Topic: Savings
April 27, 2023
Topic: Savings
March 9, 2023
Topic: Savings
March 9, 2023
Topic: Savings
February 24, 2023
Topic: Savings
Do you see the value in this client base? The banks do! The good news is that everything is in your hands.
January 25, 2023
Topic: Savings
Did you know that segregated fund holders are more satisfied than mutual fund ones, according to a recent survey conducted by Abacus Data on behalf of the Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association (CLHIA)?
January 11, 2023
Topics: Savings, Digital tools
Did you see the big news back in December?
January 9, 2023
Topic: Savings
Did you know that a large proportion of total savings contract withdrawals are made by clients aged between 50 and 70? This segment of your clientele is highly solicited by the competition because of their high level of assets. What can you do about it?
May 27, 2022
Topic: Savings
The new 2022 Information Folders and Fund Facts documents can now be downloaded from the Document Centre or ordered from your fulfilment centre.